Frequently Asked Questions

Does my performer need to have theater experience to audition?

No experience is needed to audition.  Auditions are open to first-time performers and those with a show or two (or ten) under their belts.

When are rehearsals?  How often do rehearsals occur?

Performers typically rehearse one evening per week and on Saturday.  Some roles may require more frequent rehearsals.  Rehearsals during the week are usually from 6 - 8 pm.  The day of the week depends on the production.  Weekends depend on which theatre production!

How does my child get involved in performing?

There are so many ways to get involved.  No experience is needed to audition for any production.  Younger performers (ages 4 - 8) can start in our Rising Stars program.  This is typically offered during the summer as well as during the fall and spring seasons. 

What do you look for during auditions?

It is not necessary, or even expected, to have previous experience in theatre.  Everyone has to start somewhere!  The programs offered by ITMP are a perfect place for young performers trying theatre for the first time.  During auditions, the most important aspects will be enthusiasm, voice projection, vocal quality, and an interest in being in the production.  And always bring a smile!  Smiling helps you get over the nervousness!  Keep an idea on our social media and newsletter for audition information for each production.